Project Research – Preliminary Stage

To succeed in the aims of our project to track an item within an image across a series of similar images we are going to need to explore the technology within four potential ways of tackling this challenge before deciding on any particular approach.

Tracking motion – Looking for things that are different between images, if it doesn’t move and the pixel value hasn’t changed we are not interested, we are only interested in what has changed.

Tracking texture – The gradient orientation that occurs in the localized portions of an image is counted in texture based technique. It is then computed using overlapping local contrast normalization on a dense grid of uniformly spaced cells for improving accuracy.

Shape based – Simple pattern matching can be applied with appropriate templates.

Colour based – Creates a gaussian mixture model to describe the colour disrtibution within the sequence of images and to segment the images into background and objects.


Klimek RB. Wright TW. Sielken RS. Color Image Processing and Object
Tracking System. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas .

Yazdi M. Bouwmans T. New Trends on Moving Object Detection in Video
Images Captured by a moving Camera: A Survey. HAL Archives

Object tracking & Motion detection in video sequences (accessed 16.10.2018)

Balaji S RDr. S. Karthikeyan. A survey on moving object tracking using image processing. Conference: 2017 11 th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO)

Pramod Patil SP. Techniques and Methods for Detection and Tracking of Moving Object in a Video . International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. Vol. 4, Issue 5, May 2016